Estoy mas que emocionada por saber que Tijan seguirá la historia de Carter Reed!
lei ese libro hace unos meses y me encanto!
tiene de todo esa historia! desde un principio engancha!
y la verdad es que se lee en una tarde! supero todas mis expectativas!
así que imaginen como estaba de hiper ventilada cuando me entere de esta GRAN noticia !
MAS de Carter?? POS perfecto para mi, O sea mas que perfecto!!!
jajajaj de verdad que necesito mas de esto!!! PODIOS
Teaser 1
—Dame el arma—. La voz de Carter era baja y cautelosa.
Yo no lo podía ver, pero lo podía sentir. Estaba de mi lado derecho y sentía como se acercaba, un paso a la vez. Yo nunca dudé. El otro tipo me estaba mirando. Sus ojos estaban en alerta, en busca de su oportunidad. La mayoría apartaría la mirada, sólo por un segundo y entonces el trataría de escapar. Correría por su vida, pero yo lo sabía. Yo no era una idiota y por eso di un paso más cerca de él. Mi mano estaba firme. Mis brazos eran rectos y mis piernas se colocaban en una posición de tiro perfecta.
Mi dedo se mantuvo en el gatillo.
—Emma—, dijo Carter de nuevo. Él estaba más cerca. Su tono era más suave, como si pudiera persuadirme. —Esta no eres tu.
Lo era. Recordé cuando estaba en mi apartamento y vi a Mallory siendo violada. Ese sentimiento de muerte se arrastraba de nuevo en mí. Había sido el inicio de esta guerra.
—Emma—. Él estaba justo a mi lado ahora.Quería quitarme el arma. Se movía lentamente, como si tratara de desarmar a un depredador, y le conteste:
—He matado a dos personas. No me quitaron el sueño y no creo que vaya a perder el sueño por esto.
—Emma—. Su voz era un murmullo. —Por favor.
Negué con la cabeza. —Tengo que hacerlo.
—No, no tienes que hacerlo—. Hizo una pausa y pude escuchar el tormento de su voz. —Déjame hacerlo. Lo mataré para ti.
No lo deje. Esto si era sobre mí y con esa decisión hecha, apreté el gatillo.
A faint grin teased across his face, but it was gone the next instant. He turned from the window and regarded the one who had taken him away.
“You’re back.”
“I am.”
The two regarded each other. They were opposites in some ways, but so alike in others. While Carter had wolf-like blue eyes, blonde hair, and chiseled cheekbones that sent the media in a frenzy, Cole had a smoldering darker look to him. Dark eyes, dark hair, and a dark aura that clung to him.
Carter could move as a ghost, but Cole had lived as a ghost.
His chest rose in an even breath.
Carter frowned, studying him in return. Then he commented, “You’ve grown.”
“So have you.”
He flashed a perfect smile, feeling a spark of camaraderie for a moment. “People know my face. They don’t know yours.”
Cole nodded and turned back to the window. The city was spread out before them. A corner of his mouth curved up. “That’s ours.”
Carter joined him at the window. He stood in a similar pose with his hands in his pockets and both looked outward. He said, “It’s yours, Cole.”
“No.” He shook his head. “You created this. You brought the family where they are. They followed you and you’ve given them something I never could’ve.”
“You’re a Mauricio. The family is yours now.”
“Because you’re out?” Cole glanced at him, narrowing his eyes.
Carter grinned. He recognized that look. It was pensive and haunting at the same time. He had grown up with it.
He had seen it staring back at over conference tables, in back rooms when he’d be given his assignment and gun, and it had gone away. He was glad it was back now. “I love your family.
I followed your grandfather and I followed your father. I have worked beside your uncles and your cousins, but it’s your blood. It’s your line that makes the family. I’m glad yourback. It was time.”
“They killed my father, my mother, my sister, my two brothers.”
“They didn’t kill you.”
“They’ll try.”
Carter nodded. “The peace was never permanent. It was shaky at best.”
“No, you’re out.”
“Cole,” he started to argue.
“You’re out, Carter. You bought your way out to protect your woman. I won’t let you come back in and lose that life.”
“It’s not your decision.”
“It is.” Cole started to leave. As he did, he stopped at the door. “I’ll take my place and that means it’s my decision who is in and who is out.
You saved my life, but im saving you´s this time. You won´t be allowed back in.
Then he left and Carter was left alone. He grinned, shaking his head.
He had missed Cole Mauricio.
“Miss Nathans.”
The hail came from across the alley as I was leaving work. Michael was around the car before the guy could step off the sidewalk towards us.
“Miss Emma,” Thomas urged in a soft voice. He held the door open and beckoned for me to get inside.
I was torn. Someone had been trying to get ahold of me for months. The phone calls were blocked. He never left a message.
The beginning emails from him only had a message to call him. The emails stopped coming last month.
I knew this day would come and a part of me wanted to know what was so important.
I remained beside the door. Thomas waited as well. He didn’t say anything. He knew not to pressure me. I’d go if I chose to go.
Then I heard the guy yell around Michael, trying to push past him, “I’m a private detective, Miss Nathans. Your sister hired me to find you.”
I took a breath. Sensing Thomas’ unease, I smiled at him. “That’s a new one.”
“It’s true, Miss Nathans.” The guy was being held back by Michael now.
His face poked around him so he could see me and he waved a piece of paper in the air. “You were born August 19th in 1986.
Your mother gave you up for adoption, but she passed away a year ago.” When he saw I was listening, his tone quieted. “Your sister was born two years after you.
She learned about your birth from your mother’s will and testament.”
I asked Thomas in a murmur, “Why would he lie about that?”
Thomas didn’t answer. He rarely did.
I asked another, “He must know about Carter. If you lied about that, the consequences wouldn’t be good. He must know that.”
I got a grunt in response.
I frowned at him. “You could talk a little. You’ve been guarding me for six months now.”
A faint grin appeared.
Finally. I could go home to Carter and boast. I got a grin from Thomas.
“Miss Nathans,” the guy called out again.
Studying him, he didn’t strike me as a private detective. He wore a green sweater over jeans. His pants looked custom-fitted and the shoes told me he had money. He wore John Lobb shoes.
Tilting my head up, I pulled my sweater closer around me. “You must be a very good private detective.”
“I am.” He lowered his hand, but his relief was unmistakable. With dark hair combed to the side, some of the ends liftedup from the wind, but he pressed them back down.
“I’ve known your sister for years.”
“So this is more of a favor to her?” His eyes darkened. I caught a flash of something more and guessed, “A personal favor to her?”
He laughed now, looking away.
Perfect white teeth flashed at me before he shook his head. “You’re just like her.”
I paused. This was becoming more real.
“Her name is Kelly. She looks a lot like you.”
Irritation was starting to stir inside of me. My tone cooled. “You know who else I look like? My brother.”
He grew quiet.
“Have I stumped you, Mr….?”
“Kurt.” He held his hand out around Michael. “Kurt Benson.”
I shifted on my feet. The wind had picked up. We were towards the end of November, but it wasn’t cold enough for a coat.
Not me and not at that moment.
I had the urge to take my sweater off. It was hot out. The irritation morphed into anger and it was more than stirring inside of me.
It was rising now, a small flame, but I knew my tone and face matched. They were ice cold. “How can I be adopted when my blood matched my brother’s?”
He didn’t say anything, but his head turned as Michael murmured to him. Then he dropped all pretenses.
A glimmer of regret flared over him. I caught it from across the alley and it dampened my anger, only a bit.
“I’m sorry, Miss Nathans.”
“For what? For being wrong? I’m not easily conned.”
“I’m sorry for lying to you.”
I knew it. He was already dismissed in my head when I moved for the car.
His words stopped me, “You weren’t adopted.”
My hand went to the doorframe and I paused. My eyes caught his and he added, “You were kidnapped. Your brother kidnapped you.”
Lamentablemente solo el primer teaser esta traducido!! así que espero que sepan un poco de ingles!! Lo que es yo tuve que ocupar el traductor de google! u.u!
Pero a esta altura, me pongo feliz con poco!
SI NO han leido todavia de este increíble libro, les dejo la sinopsis para que corran a leerlo!!!
Hablo en serio!! ¬¬
Emma decidió saltarse el gimnasio y se fue a casa temprano.
Fue la última decisión fácil que tomó, porque encontró a su compañera de habitación siendo violada por su novio.
Tenía dos opciones.
Llamar a la policía y ser asesinada por las conexiones de la mafia de su familia o matarlo primero y esperar sobrevivir.
No había ninguna opción para ella. Mató al cabrón primero y fue a la única persona que podía protegerla. Carter Reed.
Él es un arma para las familias de la mafia que rivalizan, pero también es el secreto de Emma.
No sólo fue el mejor amigo de su hermano, sino que ella es la razón por la que se convirtió en esa arma en primer lugar.
Y lo peor es que aun no se ha revelado una portada o la fecha de publicación!!! GOD me iré a hacer bolita!
Dios! esto es adictivo!!! LO necesito YAA!
Fuente: Libros del cielo
Ya salió el segundo???? Quiero leerlo inmediatamente!!
ResponderEliminarNo encuentro la segunda parte por ningún lado, que tristeza,, tendré que conformarme con estos teasers jajaja.
ResponderEliminarHola, ¿ya lo encontraste?. si no es así, yo lo tengo y te lo podría enviar por mail, solo, házmelo saber. Saludos.
EliminarHola!! Me lo podrías enviar a mi también?
EliminarTe dejo mi mail por si no te importa envíarmelo jiji, gracias
Sabes de que capitulo es la escena primera? ya que leí el libro en PDF y no me aparece, a menos que haya estado incompleto el que leí. Saludos
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Te dejo mi mail por si no te importa envíarmelo .